Press Release
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The Art Of Dumpling
The Art of Dumpling | TAOD, A Gourmet Pan-Asian Studio is a unit of an Indian conglomerate, Kahhak Industries Private Limited. Kahhak claims – “Dumplings are indeed prehistoric.”
Kahhak Creamery
KAHHAK CREAMERY showcases the organisation’s fresh vision of unparalleled inventiveness with an experience of quality, consistency and exquisity.
Kahhak Publishers
Kahhak Publishers aims to be at the forefront of the ever-changing publishingindustry with it’s apophthegm ‘Precision meets Pride’.
Kahhak Studios
Ground-Breaking Films, Captivating Web Series, or Thought-Provoking Documentaries, Kahhak Studios is committed to pushing boundaries, breaking barriers, and redefining the Art of Storytelling.